Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Achilles Tendonitis

Yesterday, I felt pain on my left foot. I started massaging it and stretching and bending it and to my surprise, the pain got really worst. Suddenly, I cannot walk straight. I had to rely on my right foot to walk. I tried to use my left foot just to stretch it and it happened.

The pain is just terrible. I felt tremendous pain near my ankle. I tried to rest my foot and suddenly, I could not move it. One little move and the sting just shoots right at it.

At this very moment, I am glad, although the pain is still there, I am sitted and was able to write about 5 articles including this I am writing now. It makes the pain bearable when you know you are doing something worthwhile.

Achilles Tendonitis, where is thy sting? Your sting cannot always be on my mind! I control the pain although once in a while you get my attention, two advil capsules can vanish the pain every 6 hours!

I pray that this pain will soon be gone and my achilles will heal soon. Anyway, Achilles Tendonitis, you surprise me!

1 comment:

Journey Insights... said...

So how's your foot these days? Have not read any new posts from you lately. Need some inspiration? I also am having a writer's blog these days also in need of new inspirations...