Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Body does not Belong to Me

Whenever I would eat infront of the television, I would be so absorbed with the Food World especially when I'm watching Travel and Living that it literally causes me to increase my appetite. What a good and warm feeling food gives us especially when elegance and style are added to its presentation! It transforms the plain ingredients to a beautiful work of art and makes one so proud and wishful of the "finer things in life." And then my tummy starts to feel heavy, then I'm back to reality that I cannot have all the things I want including good health with voracious appetite for rich elegant food without exercise.

You see, my body does not belong to me. It solely belongs to God. I was bought with a price, therefore, I should honor God with my body. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I should obey His Word. I need to be holy and not commit any form of immorality. This is what it says in the Bible, the Word of God. ( Please See I Corinthians 6:18-20) I need to take care of my body by eating good natural food like vegetables and fruits and have plenty of exercise and appropriate rest and relaxation. But the most important thing is to be holy for God is holy (I Peter 1:16)

So tomorrow, I would eat less, drink more water, have some workout, do my best for the Lord, go to bed early, and then sleep well.

Wait, why wait tomorrow? I can start tonight. I can sleep early. Oops... I need to visit someone at the hospital. He is one of our church members who has some kidney problems. Oh well, I can start tomorrow. So help me, God.

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